Easy Tips to Improve Your eCommerce Potential

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Easy Tips to Improve Your eCommerce Potential

When you’re using Pay Per Click (PPC) campaigns, you’re up against a huge amount of competition in the online E-commerce arena and anything that can give you a head start is well worth exploring.

There are a number of useful features that are designed to help you to write great ad copy and climb up those ever-important Google rankings.

It’s worth consulting a specialised E-commerce Digital Marketing agency to share their expertise if your own skills don’t extend to this area, as even small changes to the way your products or services are marketed online can make a big difference to your profit margins.


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How to Improve Your eCommerce Success With Some Simple Ideas

  1. Google shopping merchant promotions. Have you noticed the extra information that appears on Google when you click a special offer link? This is eye-catching and useful for drawing new potential customers to your site, and it’s easy to set up using your Google Merchant Center account. You can schedule a promotion and add a countdown to it, and choose exactly what your viewers see.
  1. Review extensions. It’s hard to please the Google filters, but two review extensions that seem to be consistently approved are Better Business Bureau (BBB) Accreditation and Google Trusted Stores. Both of these are becoming increasingly popular with retailers and consumers, and they are a good option for increasing the profile of your products.
  1. Dynamic remarketing text ads. If you’re only using image ads in your dynamic remarketing, you could be missing a trick. Text ads, which focus on one product at a time, will boost your ad exposure and may work better for the products you are showcasing. It’s important to keep an eye on the analytics for each type of ad to see which version is working best for your business.
  1. Bing Ads Description Line 1. When your product appears in a Google listing, it will include the first line of your item description in the headline if it is a complete sentence. Bing now allows listings to repeat description line 1 in the first line of the ad as well, allowing up to 35 characters of extra text and more emboldened keywords to increase the visibility of your ad.

We have an excellent article on improving your eCommerce Conversion Rates.


Climb Google Ratings With Your Digital Marketing Agency in Cork

If you feel overwhelmed by trying to improve your online profile, seek help today. For advice and support with all of the above and more, contact us via [email protected], or visit our website. Our expertise in digital marketing and graphic design means that your business will be safe in our hands.

Take your Digital Marketing to the Next Level with ePresence

If you are looking to expand your business, reach more customers and improve the impact of your marketing, ePresence can help. We will work with you to understand your business needs, challenges and goals. Our Digital Marketing Agency in Cork and Kerry is an experienced and results-driven organisation serving companies and national brands throughout Munster and all of Ireland. We will help lighten your load and provide access to our quality digital marketing team. Get in touch with us today on +353 (0)21 2362901 or email us on [email protected].

About Author

Gillian Brennan

Gillian Brennan

Gillian Brennan is a Certified Internet Marketing Specialist and has been very successful in creating and maintaining strong relationships with her clients. With a Computing background from Cork Institute of Technology, Gillian has over 20 years experience in the IT sector. Working in both Technology and Customer Service capacities, Gillian’s roles included IT Support, Network and Systems Engineering, Computer Retail Management and Training in companies such as Summit Tecnology Inc, BG Turnkey Ltd and Compu B Ltd. Gillian’s technical ability in the IT area, along with a long history of customer service allow her to understand her clients’ needs and offer both practical and effective online solutions to fit their budget.

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